
Trying to Catch Up With …

“Two weeks in South Australia,” sounded tempting, with wineries, the beach and relaxation in other idealic settings, and so the day after Christmas we packed our bags and left. We made it out of Victoria on that first day, and were quickly into the swing off holidaying (as opposed to …

We've Bought Our Tickets

In my last post, I completely forgot the whole point, which is:

We’ve bought our tickets.

It’s all official now – we’re leaving on the 9th of July. A stop-over in Dubai (of several hours; nothing like sleeping in an airport terminal to readjust the body-clock), then on to …


I’ve been running to catch up ever since we got back from Christmas/NY holidays.

It’s just been completely overwhelming — from two weeks of lazing around the campfire to two weeks of daily deadlines and impatient clients. Two weeks too much, so I called in sick today. Slept in (so good!); went to …

Six Months Too Short

Warrick is back! I haven’t caught up with him for a tasty, tasty ale, but I plan to sometime this week (perhaps tomorrow?). If it happens, he can sign my passport application – otherwise Yvonne from Dee’s work has said she will sign it. Either way, I get my guarantor and I can …

Google loves me! Bucky is …

I just found, by accident, that I’m the second highest Google search for “chronofiles”. (The Buckminster Fuller Institute is first, by the way.)

sniff I’m so proud.

Of course, a Google search for “chronofile”, singular, will not feature the glennji chronofiles at all. Please feel free to brush over …

Unproductive Wednesday

Today wasn’t an entirely productive day, but it wasn’t too bad — I did manage to burn the Yoper installation CD.
My idea is as follows: Yoper is a good, young distribution, looking for contributors; Yoper doesn’t have good Gnome support yet; I’m more than a little …