
New YOPER resolution

I’ve just scheduled the Yoper ISO for download here at work — the first step in my plans for world domination (I’ll release a World Domination Manifesto on ChangeThis one of these days). When I get home tonight, I’ll back up all my critical data, and then I can …

Warrick on His Way to …

I think I missed my chance to get Warrick to sign as my guarantor for the passport application; he’s on his way to California by now.

My own fault, really, but everything is always so busy around this time of the year that I just haven’t seen him for months. I couldn’t even go to …

The year to come

This will be my last post this year – Dee and I are going camping in South Australia for the next two weeks, and it’s unlikely there will be mobile phone coverage, let alone wifi internet access. Of course, it doesn’t really both either of us, and is in fact one of the reasons we are going. No …

DEFRA - Travelling With …

I recently found a nice informative site about bringing pets to the United Kingdom. We’ve got a cat - a cranky, fussy, self-concerned ball of fur and claws - and we’re more than just a little attached to her. (When we were looking for apartments, the property manager asked Dee if we …

Mishoo Fuji FinePix A310 …

[Mishoo] Fuji FinePix A310 as webcam in Linux

In the spirit of biting off more than I can chew, I’m considering jumping into getting my Finepix S7000 to work as a V4L device!
It’s well beyond my current capabilities (but not beyond learning!), and that’s probably the main …


I finally finally got around to getting my passport picture taken today. It was in a dodgy booth in Spencer Street train station, and I’m not sure it’s appropriate (I don’t know how close-up it’s meant to be - the application form has specific measurements of head-size, but …