.. and I got a new singer …
Okay, it’s official — our new flat rocks!
Today I walked into work for the second time ever. The first was Monday morning, when I wasn’t entirely sure where the building was — I walked into a gigantic bank building, straight up to reception and asked, “Is this the ${blah} building?”.
“Oh no,” …
I awake fully clothed, sans shoes, face down on a mattress of calico stuffed with porridge, my drool-patch soaking in nicely to combine with the drool-patches of a thousand backpackers before me. In a foolishly improvident move I attempt to lift my head — the action sends my body back to the …
I wish the in-mates WERE …
Boy do I ever not want to go to work today.
I’ve been up for a while — around 6:30 — and it’s now after 9am, so it’s not like I couldn’t get in early and catch up on some of the always-present, always-urgent, never-scheduled, always-stupid tasks that seem to get punted down upon us (from manager to …
Blink! Were in London!
(Did you think from the title that we’d finally — and suddenly! — made the next big move? Not yet, I’m afraid.)
Dee’s off to London this weekend for work, and I’m tagging along with her! She leaves tomorrow from Glasgow, whilst I’ll be on late-night flight from Edinburgh after work, and we’ll meet …
Nexus point
I have a theory, admittedly immature, that the human life is punctuated by pivotal events and decisions, nexus points, at approximately prime multiples of years i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23 and so on up the prime number series. This means you will have life-changing moments at (for the second …
Singapore, London and an …
Dee heard about Singapore! Unfortunately, all she heard was that they’d made an offer to her boss and he rejected it out of hand — crappy pay, no moving expenses, no bonus, who knows? Something about it wasn’t right, and the bossman was obviously convinced that taking that to his team would result …