
Television has let me …

It’s Sunday night and I’m watching the Big Brother eviction – pathetic, yes? I’m not sure how it is in other countries, but in Australia the magic of “Reality TV” has well and truly worn off. We’ve seen about 5 series of Big Brother, Australian Idol, …

I have a coffee table!

I have a coffee table!

This is a small, but significant, achievement – ever since I moved out of my parent’s house to go to Uni, it seems like I’ve been living a temporary life …. actually, that’s more than just a little dramatic; it’s more like long-term student-living, using whatever hand-me-downs …

Friday, lovely Friday

Got through another week, and very happy to have done so. It’s been quite hectic this week, with a software release today (which we post-poned thanks to network issues - the other company in our building does web-streaming every Friday, it seems, and we share the Internet connection). …

An annoyingly long day

I’m in IT — in fact, I’m a computer programming (of all things).

Today I got to work after a glorious long weekend (spent camping on the coast: drinking, reading, smoking, eating, talking and playing cards … in short, bliss) to find that not only did nothing work, everyone thought it was my fault. …

Get Out

It’s certainly not easy to get out of Australia.

Lots of little requirements (it’s worse than software dependencies) before I can even think about it: I need a passport, which means I need a birth certificate, and my parents birth certificates, and some other identifying material, and an …