Is it Friday yet??
It has been a long week this week, largely due to Dee’s work schedule: she’s been on the early-shift, which has meant getting up some time between 5am (on Monday) and 6:30am (by Friday) i.e. a case of finding exactly how late she can leave it to get to work by 7 o’clock in the morning.
I’ve tried to …
Northern Line canned at …
glennji{.tweet}: I still hate the Met: Northern Line canned at 8:50am this morning; took me another 40min on the bus to get here. It’s 45min walk from home!
Yep, I’m blogging tweets now. So I slept in this morning; Danielle got up at 6am, and whilst I could’ve followed her I found it far easier to …
Divergent paths
A female friend of mine is considering becoming Muslim i.e. following “Islam” (which can be translated as “submission”). This mostly makes me worried for her, as Islam doesn’t have the best track record concerning women’s rights and domestic abuse. The philosopher Ibn Kammuna said in 1280CE:
“… we …
Dees birthday …
It started on Thursday night. We had organised Friday and the following Monday off work, so celebrations (read: drinking) started early, and by 10pm I was merry enough to suggest that Dee get her presents early — it was technically her birthday already back home, so why not? I’d already told her …
Weve finally got our …
… and none too soon. I was going a little crazy from wwwithdrawal, I think — our access from work is limited (to say the least), and I must have at least 12,000 unread emails in Gmail by now. Not to mention the fact that I have to redesign my websites every month (it’s a sickness) and protect the …
.. and I got a new singer …
Okay, it’s official — our new flat rocks!
Today I walked into work for the second time ever. The first was Monday morning, when I wasn’t entirely sure where the building was — I walked into a gigantic bank building, straight up to reception and asked, “Is this the ${blah} building?”.
“Oh no,” …