Coffee Experiments
I guess I should update the ‘blog?1
Not an easy thing to do these days, since even finding the time to do something as self-indulgent as public journaling probably just means there’s something else I could be doing instead, but maybe it’s an experiment I would like to continue? In …
Hindsight is 2020
It’s 8am on the first day of the month, and despite the usual late night, I’ve been up for hours.
Jules has been an early riser for years now, and it has had the effect of training me to wake up at 6am each morning — for no good reason, since he’s pretty independent in the morning …
Social Climber
I was speaking to a friend over bubble tea on Friday, and started trying to explain the unexpected side-effect of practicing “sufficiency meditation”1 — that is, generating a feeling of satisfaction (with the moment, life, career, hobbies, physical fitness, abilities, bank balance and/or …
Painting With Jules
A bit of fun for the Christmas break: I found my old Warhammer 40K minatures that I’d had as a kid1 and showed Jules. “Can I paint one?” he asked. “No, but I’ll buy you one for yourself.”
The same day we visited an art supply shop, for a completely different …
I’m not built for 6am
I’m not built for 6am. It’s as simple as that.
Jules up early this morning (as always) and as soon as he’s in bed with us there is zero chance that I’ll get back to sleep — he wiggles, he talks, Dee talks back, he wants a bottle, he wants the iPad. All I want is silence and darkness and a few …
A break-in attempt?