An annoyingly long day
I’m in IT — in fact, I’m a computer programming (of all things).
Today I got to work after a glorious long weekend (spent camping on the coast: drinking, reading, smoking, eating, talking and playing cards … in short, bliss) to find that not only did nothing work, everyone thought it was my fault. …
Get Out
It’s certainly not easy to get out of Australia.
Lots of little requirements (it’s worse than software dependencies) before I can even think about it: I need a passport, which means I need a birth certificate, and my parents birth certificates, and some other identifying material, and an …
The Chronofiles
“Most children like to collect things. At four I started to collect documents of my own development as correlated with world patterns of developing technology. Beginning in 1917, I determined to employ my already rich case history, as objectively as possible, in documenting the life of a suburban …
Chronofiles Take Two
I’m sure everyone goes through it in the “blogspace” universe – a personal weblog started, ignored and ultimately forgotten … followed by a resurrection when the blogger remembers how much fun it really was (being one voice out of millions; why isn’t it this much …