
Photo Day

Today was “photo day”. Dee sorted through many thousands of “real” photos, putting them into albums, whilst I copied a number of Photo-CDs on to the USB hard-drive I got last week.

Then we plugged the laptop into the TV and watched a slideshow of the pictures, listening to …

Close Up

It turns out that my passport photos were not close-up enough, despite the fact that the booth distinctly said, “Passport Photo Booth”. I mean, I know things aren’t meant to be easy, but is it like this all the time??

I slept in a few Wednesday’s ago, recovering. When I …

Baby steps

I’m happy — today I took the first steps towards being able to use the Fuji Finepix digital camera as a USB webcam (mentioned in a previous post). Today I started reading about how to hack on the Linux kernel.

It’s quite exciting for someone like me, who has used Linux for the last 5 …

Minty MP3s

Every now and then I find something on the Internet that blows my mind, and they Minty Tin MP3 Player from scratch is one of those — Limor, you are a Goddess. Well done!
While on that, I can’t believe I’ve never found before!
Anyway, back to the vodka.


(There is nothing like a cup of tea and some Audioslave to get you through the working weekend.)

Friday night started well, with drinks at the Trader Bar. It was intended to be the February Opensource Meetup, but was far too noisy to have any real conversation (I will try harder next month to find …

First Impressions

Finally took the plunge — I’ve blown away my SUSE install and put Yoper on in it’s place! “How excitement!”

The installer was interesting, in a good way — no packages to select (or dselect, for those of a Debian persuasion), not even any updates whilst the packages were being installed, just a …