
New Bike Day

You may have heard: we’re in the midst of a global pandemic1. As such, many communities are practicing “social distancing” and self-isolation; in Sydney we’ve been asked to stay home as much as possible, limit contact with those we don’t actually live with, and only go …

Social Climber

I was speaking to a friend over bubble tea on Friday, and started trying to explain the unexpected side-effect of practicing “sufficiency meditation”1 — that is, generating a feeling of satisfaction (with the moment, life, career, hobbies, physical fitness, abilities, bank balance and/or …

Reviving an Opensource …

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been attempting to revive an opensource project called Openlumify.

The project is an “intelligence amplification platform” — import a bunch of data about “stuff”, then explore connections (graph), proximity (map) and temporality …

Painting With Jules

A bit of fun for the Christmas break: I found my old Warhammer 40K minatures that I’d had as a kid1 and showed Jules. “Can I paint one?” he asked. “No, but I’ll buy you one for yourself.”

The same day we visited an art supply shop, for a completely different …

Wrapping up the year

We made it.

It’s probably the same feeling every year, but it certainly feels like this one has been a tough slog. From work (what the hell??) to learning how to help Jules with dyslexia, there’s been a steep learning curve for all of us this year. Not to mention all the craziness …

Does Anybody Blog …

A little after 11pm on a Thursday night and I’ve just finished1 the migration of my ‘blog from Wordpress to Hugo, the static-site generator written in Go. It was actually reasonably easy considering I had quite a few posts and pages, not to mention the content types provided by various …