
Our first auction …

This weekend we headed south to Blackwood Forest to bid on a 4 bedroom cottage on an acre and half of lovely (but only half-finished) garden and grounds, nestled at the end of a dirt track and right next to an old church on the appropriately named Prayer Hill Lane. You may have seen the pictures we …

A quick post for the …

It was Melbourne Cup Day today and a state-wide public holiday (except in Bendigo, where they have the Bendigo Cup instead). After speaking with my colleague at work we decided to take the day off and head to mighty Swan Hill for a day out. Just an hour down the road from Cohuna, and a hip and …

Mortgages and dodgy debt

Times flies when you’re busy doing other things. It doesn’t feel like it’s been a busy month, but when I look back at what we’ve been up to I realise it sort of has been.

The first bit of news is good: I’ve started work, even had my first invoice paid. It is with the same company I was working for …

Murray Valley Riverina

With work moving along (well, slowly), we decided to take a weekend break in the middle of the week and spend two nights in Albury, over the NSW border. We headed off nice and early, stopping at Deniliquin (the home of the annual “Ute Muster”) for a picnic lunch.

A little further down the track and …

Country life: fishin, …

Ah, country living. For the last month we’ve been spending time with family in regional Victoria, with only a couple of quick day-trips into “the city” (Melbourne) so far. It is relaxing, certainly: we’ve had a couple of barbeques, even fired up the chiminea (a kind of cast-iron wood-fire oven); we …

Back Down Under

Sorry for the quiet: we’ve been back in Australia for a couple of weeks now, spending time with family and trying to find our feet. No boat, sadly; but did fly back in business class!

There we were in KL, of course, waiting to hear from the shipping company when our container vessel would actually …