A quick post for the Melbourne Cup

glennji | Nov 2, 2010 min read

It was Melbourne Cup Day today and a state-wide public holiday (except in Bendigo, where they have the Bendigo Cup instead). After speaking with my colleague at work we decided to take the day off and head to mighty Swan Hill for a day out. Just an hour down the road from Cohuna, and a hip and happenin’ township — I can see why you love it, Suz! (Note: all sarcasm is implied only, and just to be cheeky.) Seriously, it was fairly quiet around the high street, but that was expected — everyone (except us) was at home or in the pub watching a French horse win the cup (and getting mightily drunk, I’d wager).

No matter, the attraction we wanted to see was still open: the equally mighty Pioneer Settlement!

A peaceful afternoon, then, walking ’round the old settlement and feeding the animals you’re not supposed to feed. Left the camera at home, but here’s some pictures from the official website.

We might actually go to the Cup next year, eh?

Update: Just wanted to point out that I cooked up a Kangaroo roast for dinner! Dee cooked the roast-veges, but didn’t want the ‘roo meat (her loss) so her mum and I enjoyed eating the wildlife on our own…