
Its like music to my ears

So it’s a new year, apparently, and like nearly everyone in the “western world” I’ve succumbed to the temptation to evaluate my life, who I am and what I’m doing here, and as usual it’s mostly with a view towards doing things a little better this time around our favourite star. This perhaps could …

Baby steps

I’m happy — today I took the first steps towards being able to use the Fuji Finepix digital camera as a USB webcam (mentioned in a previous post). Today I started reading about how to hack on the Linux kernel.

It’s quite exciting for someone like me, who has used Linux for the last 5 …

Minty MP3s

Every now and then I find something on the Internet that blows my mind, and they Minty Tin MP3 Player from scratch is one of those — Limor, you are a Goddess. Well done!
While on that, I can’t believe I’ve never found before!
Anyway, back to the vodka.

First Impressions

Finally took the plunge — I’ve blown away my SUSE install and put Yoper on in it’s place! “How excitement!”

The installer was interesting, in a good way — no packages to select (or dselect, for those of a Debian persuasion), not even any updates whilst the packages were being installed, just a …

Unproductive Wednesday

Today wasn’t an entirely productive day, but it wasn’t too bad — I did manage to burn the Yoper installation CD.
My idea is as follows: Yoper is a good, young distribution, looking for contributors; Yoper doesn’t have good Gnome support yet; I’m more than a little …

New YOPER resolution

I’ve just scheduled the Yoper ISO for download here at work — the first step in my plans for world domination (I’ll release a World Domination Manifesto on ChangeThis one of these days). When I get home tonight, I’ll back up all my critical data, and then I can …