
Three Impossible Things

What a year.

In the last rapidly-accelerating twelve months we moved into our own house, bought the biggest, sookiest dog known to humankind and had a son — although “had” is past-tense and he’s undeniably more of a handful here on the outside! I flick back through the pages here and it’s like …

(WIP) New theme for gdo

Okay, the new theme is a work in progress. Bear with me.

The Piano-ator – "I'll be …

I have a piano! It is teh awesome.

Dee got it from an online place for my birthday. It”s a Korg SP-250 (stage piano), digital, full size and with that fancy-pant hammer-action that makes it feel like a “real” (analogue?) piano. So. Very. Cool. It arrived yesterday, and it was all I could do not to …

Broken post on a broken …

I still don’t have an Internet connection at home, so of course this website has sat un-used and without an update for a long time. Today it’s a slow day at work, so I thought I’d quickly write an update or two. Oh, and change the theme, at least until I can fix the original one.

Dee’s mum has …


In light of Danielle’s recent EEG, it’s interesting (and a little scary!) to hear that games may one day soon incorporate the same sensor technology to provide a new dimension to our gaming.

Interesting, and not too surprising: the equipment is getting cheaper all the time. It’s the right time for …

Nanowrimo novel

I’m currently writing a novel in which all my friends and family play key roles. It was supposed to be my “nanowrimo novel” back in November, but I didn’t complete it then and haven’t got much further now. That said, I really do want to finish it, just so I can say I did (and perhaps get on with the …