Painting With Jules
A bit of fun for the Christmas break: I found my old Warhammer 40K minatures that I’d had as a kid1 and showed Jules. “Can I paint one?” he asked. “No, but I’ll buy you one for yourself.”
The same day we visited an art supply shop, for a completely different …
Does Anybody Blog …
A little after 11pm on a Thursday night and I’ve just finished1 the migration of my ‘blog from Wordpress to Hugo, the static-site generator written in Go. It was actually reasonably easy considering I had quite a few posts and pages, not to mention the content types provided by various …
Lease signed; another 12 …
Well that weekend went fast! (I have to remind myself that our weekends in Sydney are numbered. In the hundreds, sure, but still numbered.)
We spent Saturday morning looking for a new place to live, and why does this sound like a familiar refrain? Our lease was up this month and rather than …
A year of blogging badly
My last post here was July. /me sighs.
It’s not that we haven’t been doing things that are worthy of writing about — things I might want to remember later, to read and reminisce, to recall what it was like to be “young and free” (read: almost 40 and a parent) in my (hopefully short-lived¹) …
Dusting off the ‘blog: …
It’s 2016, and I’m dusting off the ‘blog again.
Sure, I might not be able to keep up with writing here, but I’ve got to try — it’s something I actually kind of enjoy, after all, and being able to go back and revisit my thoughts from a year ago (or ten!) is illuminating in the least.
This is a year …
The last two years
There haven’t been a whole lot of posts from me of late (where “late” translates to basically the last three years or so), and this afternoon I’ve been wondering about why that is. Sure, I’ve been busy with work, and Jules, and moving (twice!), and life — but is that a sufficiently high-truth …