On our way to Moscow
No time for a real update — we’re sitting having breakfast in Krakow, just about to jump on a train to Warsaw then a night train to Moscow. It’ll be the first time we get to use our very expensive visas!
I’ll come back later with posts on Budapest and Krakow, promise!
Night train to Crakowa
Update: I didn’t find time (or inspiration?) to finish writing about our adventures in Budapest, but I did manage to upload some of the better photos to Flickr. In the meantime, we’re away again!
One more day in Budapest, then it was time to board the Eurocity Night train to Krakow. The morning was …
!-->Budapest Day 3: Tourist …
Our last full day in Budapest was all about the tourist attractions. Neither Dee nor I are particularly drawn to large crowds of photo-snapping foreigners in plaid shorts and polo shirts, strangely enough, but there was much of Buda left to explore and so we once more boarded the Big Red Bus and …!--StartFragment-->!-->
Budapest Day 2: I love …
A late post (on a train to Warsaw) about the rest of our time in Budapest — what, you were expecting something as mundane as linearity? Seriously, from me? Okay, I’ll back-date it so it appears in the right place in the timeline, eh, that should just about do it.
On our second day in Budapest, and …
!--StartFragment-->!-->Budapest, Day 1: Meet the …
A first-class train from Wien to Budapest. We each have window seats at the back of the cabin, which means there’s a large space between us and we have great leg room. Dee has a little nap while I finish Neal Stephenson’s
Anathem — an excellent book, combining “fantasy” with …
!-->Vienna: Relaxing in a …
A relaxing stay in Vienna (Wien), with little to do and even less inclination to do it. We stayed at Wombat’s “Base” Hostel — very clean, nice, friendly and better serviced than some of the hotels we’ve stayed at. Personally I want to stay in hostels from now on, as …!--StartFragment-->!-->