Oh, it’s Easter again already? What have we been up to?
We’ve now done a full week of the I Quit Sugar programme, and I think it’s been pretty good: the food has been yummy, the recipes easy to follow, and I haven’t felt like I’m missing out on anything. Of course, being week #1 I’ve not tried to be too strict — I even had a cafe-latte a day (and black coffee otherwise). The approach can be summed up in two (or three) steps: big Sunday cook-up to make dinners easier; last nights’ dinner for lunch; and drink more water!
The post image is one of only two menu items I cooked all by myself (the other was a shepherd’s pie). Oh, and this one used lots of prep work that Dee did on Sunday, so it was kind of cheating.
On Thursday I worked from home — I completely forgot that Friday was a public holiday — and that night Dee went out for dinner and drinks with a couple of friends (networking, people!). It would have been the perfect opportunity for me to have an early night, rather than binge-watching the entire season two of Rick and Morty … but you can guess which of those I actually did. As such, Friday was pretty quiet for all of us — sleep-ins and nanna-naps both, as well as some much-needed focus on More Rock Less Roll, figuring out what’s next and what the social media plan should look like.
Saturday morning we were up early for some reason, so headed to the local fresh food market to stock up on any in-season goods we needed for the following week’s menu. It’s actually been really good for that, this IQS thing — we’re buying better, wasting less. We’ve even got a few plants growing: strawberries, basil, parsley, coriander and now seeds for peas, carrots, something else I can’t remember. Oh, and Jules got a pony ride but wasn’t too happy about it (he was a bit scared), and even some time in the bouncy castle when the shopping was done.
I hit up Throttle Roll street festival in the afternoon, with a free ticket courtesy of Royal Enfield. I only went for a couple of hours — just imagine if I’d been there for the motorcycle raffle and won — but it was enough to give me a little grin and a little break. I expected to see some folks I knew there but the crowds were decently sized and sufficiently mobile that we may have passed within metres of each other … or they weren’t there at all. C’est la vie.
Quiet day today. We made some strawberry jam with arrowroot and rice malt syrup (but bought strawberries, sadly) as we’re trying to break Jules’ sugar addiction … but of course the Easter bunny brought quite a few little chocolate eggs, so he’s running around and jumping off the furniture anyway. Wonder if he’ll tire himself out before he tires us out?