
glennji | Oct 21, 2013 min read

Hi all,

I’d somehow missed the visit to Kryal Castle, but it looks like you had heaps of fun!! Been a while since we went, and we will definitely have to take Jules along next time we’re down that way.

This weekend hasn’t been much fun for us — we’re all sick (Jules least of all, but I suspect it’s something he brought home from daycare) so it’s been long nights of coughing, some throwing up and general misery. The only “silver lining”, if it even counts as one, is that Dee and I have miraculously chosen different nights to be sick as dogs, so that one of us at least could look after the other (and Jules, of course). Not fun at all, but fingers are crossed that we’re getting better (and that J-dog doesn’t get the throwing-up virus).

Last weekend was better; quiet, but still a fun little day of garden maintenance for my birthday. It’s getting so hot here these days! You’ve probably seen all the bushfire warnings; nothing near us, thankfully, but I’m glad we’re not still in our “tinderbox” house in Cockatoo, that’s for sure. Oh, we haven’t sold the house yet either. Poop.

So it’s been pretty bleugh for us, and I’m enjoying reading all the fun stuff that OTHERS are doing instead of doing them myself! 🙂