There haven’t been a whole lot of posts from me of late (where “late” translates to basically the last three years or so), and this afternoon I’ve been wondering about why that is. Sure, I’ve been busy with work, and Jules, and moving (twice!), and life — but is that a sufficiently high-truth answer? I’ve been labouring under the impression that it was, but today — working from home with a sick boy off from day-care — I’ve changed my mind.
See, if I’ve just been too busy to write a blog then there is no chance of me ever picking it up again — life is only going to get busier from here on in, after all, and days will only seem shorter. So maybe I can do something about my time-management, working smarter not harder blah blah blah … but then again maybe I can’t. And, therefore, the “too busy” excuse is just depressing. It also rings hollow, when I actually sit down and think about it.
There’s an aspect of busy-ness business, sure — we have after all moved and moved and are learning to be parents and all these regular life-impacting changes — but I also think that the reason I haven’t been writing a blog is because … I don’t know what I want to write about!
This site has changed over the years: from a largely geeky journal to a travel blog to a rarely-updated “look at me!” that I can push to Facebook and get comments on. Now? Not sure. I’ve tried to steer towards “settling down in Australia” — and I love living in Sydney — but somehow it’s not quite gelling for me. In the back of my mind, I keep thinking about all the “projects” — software, electronics, home maintenance — that I want to be doing and writing about, but aren’t because, well, life is busy sometimes! If I want to quickly share what we’re up to on a weekend, Facebook and Google Plus do a reasonable job. Really, this site should be about deeper insights and meditations on my evolving life, but that requires more time/effort than I have surplus of at the moment.
So what? Do I make time? Leave it as an IFTTT-powered photo-via-Facebook blog? Or do I do something interesting enough to actually sit down and write about? Yeah, I think hopefully the latter.
But wait and see. I’ve got a few ideas, a few stories to tell and various dreams to dream. Cross your fingers for me that I can actually do some stuff and I’ll try not to disappoint.
Also: happy birthday Brother Damien!