Yahoo, were getting a table after all!

glennji | Oct 26, 2011 min read

See, we bought a table from Freedom Furniture the other week only to be told a few days later that we would have to wait until 2012 for delivery — and since the original estimate was two weeks, and we’d paid in full, we were far from happy. (Not unhappy enough to cancel the table altogether, mind you: we’d bought matching chairs from a different store after all.)

So we ranted and raved to each other, finally deciding to “send a stern letter” via Freedom’s website. Crafted something beautifully demanding, then followed it up with a phase-two assault email when our first only elicited a form-response — and it worked! This morning I received a timid, optimistically hopeful phone-call from Freedom telling us our new dining table will be delivered Thursday-week, for free.

Old-man-yelling-at-the-telly WIN!