VISAs and netbooks

glennji | May 24, 2009 min read

After a few hours walking around and bussing between shopping areas (like Oxford Street) we still hadn’t found the “new” netbook, a Samsung NC110. It’s the next version of the NC10, which was very popular (and therefore out of stock all over the place). I think the difference is the battery — the NC110 is meant to get 9 hours battery life on a single charge, which is pretty amazing. But it’s not in the shops anywhere (and Dee’s been waiting for ages) so this week she ordered it online.

(It is meant to arrive today! She’s very excited.)

After that we headed home for a nap. No kidding! We were on the speedboat at 9am, and had a long evening planned, so it was really just being practical. A couple of friends who have moved to London showed up at about 5pm (Martin — he was in Jack The Ripper The Musical! with me; and Helen, his girl), so we headed in to China Town and had a delicious meal.  (I tried “crispy shredded beef”, and it just tasted like batter and sauce … some of the more interesting items on the the menu included squid, braised eel and (I was so tempted) pigeon. The only thing that stopped me is the state of pigeons in London!)

With dinner settling we took our leave of Martin and Helen and wandered towards Leicester Square and the Empire Cinema — we had tickets for the new Star Trek movie!  Empire Cinema is great — it’s where they had the London premiere, apparently, with a bunch of famous actors and whatnot — with extra comfy chairs and an incredible sound system. The Enterprise flew past and we rocked in our cushioned places; photon torpedoes exploded on the hull and we shuddered with the screeching metal. Very much fun!

I should probably upload some photos from the speedboat, huh?