100 Days to Go

| Apr 1, 2005 min read

With less than 100 days to go, we’re in full-swing trying to get everything organised. We’ve booked a hotel in Paris, and organised floorspace in London (the latter being much easier on the savings, of course). I’ve obtained a GEDCOM copy of our family tree, so I have at least a chance of tracking down my Nana Mason’s birth certificate (which I need for an Ancestry VISA).

That’s actually harder than I was expecting. I’ve done a few searches on the Internet, but haven’t yet found then site I should be using to order a new copy online. Is it even possible? My cousin Tamara has a copy, but it’s somewhere in boxes that haven’t arrived from England yet or in boxes put away into storage - in either case, mostly inaccessible. And it would be good to have a copy for myself.

Dee has started looking into the NHS and health-insurance. We (Australia) have some kind of bilateral health arrangement with the United Kingdom, whereby we may be covered by our own Medicare scheme (at least for awhile). Except of course, I let my medicare card lapse and need to reapply!

But all in all, it’s going okay. Organising a journey of this magnitude is certainly far better than going to work, which we are both still doing. But we’ve both told our respective bosses of our intentions, so that’s another thing out of the way. I may tender my official resignation next week I think. That would be so exciting! A sure-footed and unwavering step towards immigration!

There is a slight problem with Shadow the Cat, however: we should’ve started her “bloodwork” 7 months ago. I don’t have the AQIS papers in front of me now, but there are a couple of shots (rabies, et cetera) that she needs 7 months before travelling. Sure, that was before we even thought about going, but that’s nobody’s problem but our own.

Dee has asked her brother if he will look after her for up to a year whilst we settle.

Meanwhile, I’ve just caught a cold from a co-worker, so my head is somewhat stuffy. What this means for my productivity (with Project: The Undying so close to finishing, as always) I just don’t know, but I can’t expect it to be good. I just drank a cup of tea with 4 sugars (well, sugar replacement actually) and couldn’t taste a thing. I think I’ll have cardboard for lunch today.