Coffee Experiments
I guess I should update the ‘blog?1
Not an easy thing to do these days, since even finding the time to do something as self-indulgent as public journaling probably just means there’s something else I could be doing instead, but maybe it’s an experiment I would like to continue? In …
Lease signed; another 12 …
Well that weekend went fast! (I have to remind myself that our weekends in Sydney are numbered. In the hundreds, sure, but still numbered.)
We spent Saturday morning looking for a new place to live, and why does this sound like a familiar refrain? Our lease was up this month and rather than …
Keeping Ourselves Busy
It’s been a couple of weeks since our last post. Jules is back at school, giving Dee the space to ramp up her job search — with a twist, as she’s looking to move into agile project management (i.e. scrum master, product owner, etc.). Not something she’s (yet!) done, but seems like a good move …
Oh, it’s Easter again already? What have we been up to?
We’ve now done a full week of the I Quit Sugar programme, and I think it’s been pretty good: the food has been yummy, the recipes easy to follow, and I haven’t felt like I’m missing out on anything. Of course, being week #1 I’ve not tried to be …
I should be sleeping
Another late night for me. My project at work is pretty demanding, with very tight deadlines and quite a bit to do in each sprint. I’m trying to keep on top of it, but it does mean I’ve done a bit more “out of hours work” than I’d like.
I still feel pretty positive — about work, life, kids, fun, …
Dusting off the ‘blog: …
It’s 2016, and I’m dusting off the ‘blog again.
Sure, I might not be able to keep up with writing here, but I’ve got to try — it’s something I actually kind of enjoy, after all, and being able to go back and revisit my thoughts from a year ago (or ten!) is illuminating in the least.
This is a year …